Micro Teaching Introduction :-
Micro Teaching
method is a cyclic process to improve teaching skills. Micro Teaching concept is Introduced by Dwight w. Allen in 1963 approx. “micro teaching Kya Hai ” माइक्रो टीचिंग क्या है
Higher education system of India – micro teaching:
Bachelor of Education ( B.Ed. ) class will divide in to small groups and they will teach in their group. . 5-6 students sitting in U shape around the teacher, finally teacher Gets genuine written feedback ( micro teaching report ) . using rating book for measuring some skills.
Micro Teaching in India :
Who invented micro teaching ?
Who discovered micro teaching ?
Who introduced micro teaching ?
Mini Teaching Merits:-
Micro teaching in education :
Challenges in higher education system of India – micro teaching:
Micro Teaching advantages:
- Time
management in introduction, explanation of lesson.
- We (teachers)
can realize our faults in teaching – explaining in front of observers.
Ideas for a micro teaching session :-
We are the students (pre – service teachers):
Features of micro teaching skills:
- Improvement in teaching styles.
- Good understanding of Classroom management.
- We can record video footage watch it with colleagues for observation and get suggestions.
- Genuine feedback, suggestions, remarks observed by colleagues and pre – service teachers.
- Instantly teacher will update the lesson plan, implement the suggestions.
Benefits of micro teaching : micro teaching uses
Micro teaching
benefits are many .,
- Get good
response / remarks.
- Adopt /
create latest teaching styles for New Gen kids. ( next generation pupils )
- Real teaching
experience to pre-service and in-service / deputation teachers.
- Colleagues
can quickly identify faults in teaching lesson to small group.
- Teaching
strategy will improve.
- Content
explanation and assessment related outcomes.
Stages of micro teaching:
Functions of micro teaching:
Uses of micro teaching:
it’s very useful to B.Ed. students (Bachelor of Education). Present in India, pre – service and in-service (deputation) teachers also developing micro teaching skill.- Re-Training
workshops organized for teachers by government.
- Professors
also participating in Refresher Courses, Teaching skill development programs.
- Self, recording
of video lectures useful to self observation and we can send it to guide,
through link.
- limited students, topic and time.
- Limited days for practice .
Microteaching introduced in NCERT in 1978 inn teacher education framework came into implementation in T.T.C and B.Ed. colleges in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana from 2003.
You have to choose a single skill for improvement in teaching style. 5-10 students, 5-10 minutes. These skills will improve through micro-teaching Reading skills, explanation skills, blackboard skills, and questioning skills.
Stages in micro-teachingKnowledge improving stage in micro-teaching. understanding the concepts from the topic and explaining well in a short time. Easy to measure errors in the last class.
Skills improvement stage in micro-teaching, making unique lesson plans if need ready to re-teach.
Teaching skills connecting co-relation between topics and subjects. English 2 heritage, Hindi 2 Science, etc.
Goals of micro-teaching
Self-motivation to make and utilization of teaching aids.
Teaching difficult concepts in an easy way and general to a specific approach.
Discovering new teaching skills.
motivating children to do good works through participant observation.
Teaching aids will impress children, excitement emotion in children it will connect good academic teacher-student relationships.
Benefits of micro-teaching
Teacher trainee students/ pre service teachers easy to achieve grand success in teaching field through micro teaching observation.
सभी छात्राध्यापक सूक्ष्म शिक्षण के माध्यम से शिक्षण देने से और सूक्ष्म शिक्षण का निरीक्षण करने से बुलान्दारियों को छूना आसन हैं ।
Teachers and students both Life skills will improve through Reinforcement skills in micro-teaching.
If all team members are your friends in the micro-teaching practice group. Teachers and learners can get tips to improve effective teaching skills.
We can easily achieve a single skill at a time.
We can do research on effective teaching methods of 2021. Theories of micro-teaching
Microteaching theory is you can create good relations between teaching theory and practical teaching.
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